Jacqueline Nunez
My name is Jacqueline Nunez. I’m an Academic Interventionist at Lincoln Elementary. This is my 14th year working in this school. I was born and raised in our great city of New Brunswick. I received my Bachelor’s Degree from Rutgers University and a Master’s Degree from Caldwell University. Being a part of this community has allowed me to gain insight into the everyday lives our children are living in. I have the pleasure of teaching children who have the same goals and dreams that I had as a child. I’m excited to work with our students this school year to close literacy gaps and succeed in having our students become independent readers and writers. Prepare, Empower, Inspire!
Current Units of Study
This school year we are using the Leveled Literacy Intervention System to support students who are 1-2 years behind in reading level. Students who qualify for the Academic Intervention program will receive targeted instruction to strengthen academic skills. Academic Intervention Instruction incorporates a variety of teaching methods and research-proven effective strategies to enable students to reach grade-level expectations. To lift the literacy achievement of these students, daily instruction will be provided in the areas of Phonics, Reading, Writing, and Letter/Word Work. During Phonics and Letter/Word Work instruction, students use sound boxes and magnetic letters to manipulate sounds in words and build high-frequency words. During Writing, students participate in interactive, independent, and dictated writing about the text. With the Leveled Literacy Intervention System, students will deepen and expand comprehension with close reading, increase reading volume with large amounts of successful daily reading, and increase engagement with books that build knowledge using a wide variety of genres.
It is imperative that parents read daily and with their children at home. Please take the time to enjoy the book with your child. Discussions about books can include elements of the story (character, setting, problem, solution), connections to your own life or another book, and what you are thinking while you are reading. Students can also practice their phonics skills by building words using letter tiles.
Unite for Literacy - provides free digital access to picture books, narrated in many languages
Really Great Reading - provides digital letter tiles to build words
Storyline Online - provides a collection of story books read by favorite actors
ABCya - provides a large variety of fun, award-winning educational games and videos.
Roy the Zebra - reading website for emergent readers with interactive reading games and online stories